Substance Abuse Prevention Program

The Substance Abuse Prevention Program attempts to prevent the onset of substance use or limit the development of problems associated with using psychoactive substances. Prevention efforts primarily focus on the surroundings using research-based environmental strategies in the community.

Services Offered/Provided

Assists community groups, agencies, and individuals in providing programs and activities to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse and to build a healthier community. Examples of services are: parenting skills classes, video and resource loan library, speakers bureau, media awareness campaigns, enforcement efforts and educational workshops.

Service Location & Hours

The Prevention Office is available Monday-Friday from 8:00AM to 4:30PM and is located at 100 S. Hanson Street Easton, MD 21601. Evening and weekend services are provided as needed and upon request.

For more information, call 410-819-5600

Program Funded by

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Maryland Behavioral Health Administration (BHA)

Midshore Opioid Misuse Prevention Program